I built this design concept for a client in Jupiter, FL. The idea and concept were all created by me. I did two version as well as a mobile version.
I built this design concept for a client in Jupiter, FL. The idea and concept were all created by me. I did two version as well as a mobile version.
I built this design eCommerce concept for a client in South Florida
I built this design concept for a client in Jupiter, FL. The idea and concept were all created by me.
Ban Gamla - Created for Educational Network
I built this design concept for a client in Jupiter, FL. The idea and concept were all created by me. This was a fun project and design everything simple around the concept of the mascot character.
Ruben Dario - Created for Educational Network
Townsend Harris High School - Created for Educational Network
Townsend Harris High School - Created for Educational Network
Saint Anne Parish School - Created for Edlio http://www.saintanneschool.net/
Temple Christian School - Created for Edlio http://www.tcseagles.org/
Covenant Classical Christian School - Created for Edlio http://www.covenantcs.org/
Pinecrest Academy - Created for Edlio http://www.pinecrestacademysouth.com/
Doral Academy Elementary School - Created for Edlio http://doralacademyes.org/
Reach Academy for Girls - Created for Edlio
Neighborhood Charter School - Created for Edlio http://www.neighborhoodhousecharterschool.org/
Townsend Early Child Center - Created for Edlio http://www.townsendecc.org/
The Intercultural Charter School - Created for Edlio http://www.interculturalcharterschool.org/
Metro Academy of Science. - Created for Edlio
Sophie B wright Charter School - Created for Edlio http://www.sophiebwrightschool.com/
Two Dimensions Preperatory Academy - Created for Edlio http://www.twodimensions.org/
Dodson Middle School - Created for Edlio http://www.dodsonms.org/
Alice m Harte Charter School - Created for Edlio http://www.alicemhartecharter.org/
Maters Lakes Academy Highschool - Created for Edlio http://www.materlakes.org/
Amethod Public School - Created for Edlio
Valley Charter School - Created for Edlio http://valleycharterschool.org/
Friends Christian HS - Created for Edlio
McKinley Technology HS - Created for Edlio. http://www.mckinleytech.org/
Furr High School - Created for Edlio. http://s3images.coroflot.com/user_files/individual_files/263953_Bocfmbv29Td9Hlpc1OoHMUF_N.jpg
Young Men's College - Created for Edlio http://www.ymcpa.org/
The Accelerated Schools - Created for Edlio http://www.accelerated.org/
Education Resource Center - Created for Edlio http://texasdhhresources.org/
Edgar Harney - Created for Education Network http://www.soeanola.com/
Francis Scott - Created for Education Network http://www.fskes.org/
Francis Scott Key Elementary - Educational Network http://www.fskes.org/
Enter Your Description Here
St. Mary Help of Christians Catholics School http://www.stmaryschoolaiken.com/
Create this mock-up for a freelance company called DYL www.dyl.com

A Variety of website design concepts

Freelance, Full-time
Luis Lopez
Adobe Animate at Cendyn Fort Lauderdale, FL