Coruja - Owl - Coruja modelada em 3dsmax como animal de pelucia. Programas: 3dsmax e photoshop. Plush animal model in 3d. Programs: 3dsmax and photoshop.
Fantasma - Ghost - Fastama criado com referencia no jogo Super Mario World Programas: 3dsmax + vray render, photoshop. Ghost created with references in the game Super Mario World Programs: 3dsmax + Vray render, photoshop.
Ovelha - Sheep - Criacao Propria, Ovelha. Programas: 3dsmax + vray render, photoshop. Sheep own creation. Programs: 3dsmax + vray render, photoshop.
Tubarao - Shark - Personagem do fundo do mar. Programas: 3dsmax + vray render, photoshop. Character of the seabed. Programs: 3dsmax + vray render, photoshop.
Laboratorio - Laboratory - Modelos para Hermes Pardini Programas: 3dsmax + vray render, photoshop. Templates for Hermes Pardini Programs: 3dsmax + Vray render, photoshop.
Palhaco - Clown toy - Criacao Propria, com baseado nos personagens da tim toyart. Programas: 3dsmax + vray render, photoshop. Own creation based in characters of tim toyart. Programs: 3dsmax + vray render, photoshop.
Tenis Adidas - Adidas shoes - Tenis Adidas na caixa. Programas: 3dsmax + vray render, crazy bump e photoshop. Adidas shoes box. Programs: 3dsmax + Vray render, crazy bump and photoshop. pesquisar
Placa Chico Mendes - Plate Chico Mendes - Placa 3d para parque chico mendes. Programas: 3dsmax + vray render, photoshop Plate 3d of park Chico Mendes. Programs: 3dsmax + Vray render, photoshop
Rede - Hammock - Redes de descanso. Programas: 3dsmax + vray render, photoshop. Hammock. Programs: 3dsmax + vray render, photoshop.
Modelagem - Modeling
Regis Bartok
3D Artist Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil