Camaro - that was my final project last year. I drew it using pastells, markers and polychroms. I hope you all like it
Reign Sport Shoes - School Job from marketing´s asignement. I´ll include more images after presenting this project in class. It´s a new kind of sailor shoes, trying to let design be a better propose to the hard and horrible shoes there are today in every market in the world
Cadillac - That´s an exercise done to practice using corel draw, everything copied from a piece of paper with the same image
Balanza - parte de un analisis de mercado
Drawing Notebook - tarea de hacer en forma libre un cuaderno de para bocetos con mas de 100 hojas y tapa de diseño libre hecha por el alumno
Rims Modeling - School Job. designing and modeling a rim for the citroen´s project
Heating Pistol
School hall - That´s one of my schools hall drawn using a focus point
School Jobs
Ramiro Ini
Buenos Aires, Argentina