Bibigomi - A mascot for a candy company's product called bibigomi. Little pieces of bubble gum inside a baby bottle.
Monkey with Ideas - My first idea for the Changos con Ideas project (monkeys with ideas) a project that we started (me and 3 other designers) at the last place I used to work.
Picolla Mascot - Illustration for a candy company, this is the mascot for a product called Picolla, a chili and tamarind candy.
Yely World Mascot - A fresher and more contemporary look for the logo character of a candy company called Yely World.
My World - A self promotional illustration.
Pastries - Illustrations for a bakery.
Duck - The mascot for a board game.
Dog drawings for animal shelter - Illustrations for an animal shelter website.
Ricardo Gonzalez
Graphic Designer San Jose, CA