Fem Moto - Experience G, Femmoto. Poster design for a charity event
Vintage Blue - "Vintage Blue Apparel". Poster design
Gericke - single page flyer design
KC - Drummer KC. Artist promo card
HG Hoodie Ad - Hein Gericke, Hoodie Design. I designed all the logos on the hoodie and page layout.
Hawk Apparel, POP - Tony Hawk Apparel. Poster design
Cohesive Project - Project Show, flyer
Cohesive Preview Event - Invite Card.
Cohesive Project NYC - Project NYC, flyer
Tradeshow Flyer, Boomboom Jeans - Magic Tradeshow flyer, Boomboom Jeans
Promo flyer
Cohesive Lookbook 2010 - Cover, bio page, contact page, back cover - Art direction, image edits, graphic design. Copy and images provided by in-house marketing dept.
Cohesive Lookbook 2009
Inked Magazine, Nov. 2009 - 2-page spread ad design. Turks tee that the model is wearing was also designed by me.
SURFACE Magazine, Feb 2010 - 2-page spread ad design.
Inked Magazine, FEB. 2010 - Single page ad design. University tee that the model is wearing was also designed by me.
Tradeshow Flyer, Boomboom Jeans
Tradeshow Flyer
R. Rimando
Graphic Designer Las Vegas, NV