Create & Destroy - T-Shirt design for Design By Humans
WIZARDSSSSS - T-Shirt design for Design By Humans
Cloud Scene - T-Shirt design for COPY © 2010
Thank You - T-Shirt design for Design by Humans
The Longboat - T-shirt illustration for Shirt Woot
A few of my printed designs for Threadless T-Shirts design, available at: You can also find a little artist interview, additional designs and an ugly mug shot here:
My t-shirt design, I Wanna Dance, exhibited with other notable Threadless prints at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts TechnoCRAFT Exhibition in San Francisco, CA YBCA TechnoCRAFT Exhibition Curated by Yves Behar Exhibited as part of Threadless July 6 - October 3, 2010
Fall Into The Sun - T-Shirt design for Threadless Select
Sin - Collage with doodles
AEIOU - Catalogue collage with doodles
Sir Leopold III, The Ornithologist - T-Shirt design for Design By Humans. I get a lot of requests for it but, it is no longer available in their catalogue :-(
Windmills & Birdbaths - T-Shirt llustration for Teefury Inspired by a beautiful song called Windmills & Birdbaths by the band Gerling
Masters of the Universe - T-Shirt design for Design By Humans
Hello, My Darling - A morbid Halloween t-shirt design about lost love reunited for Design By Humans A black & white version of this art is also featured in the Color Ink Book Vol 7 with Brothers Washburn 2010 for sale here:
The Frankensteins - Halloween illustration for Shirt Woot
St. George - Ink illustration stained with Earl Grey tea
Sketch Book Doodle
Get to da Locomotive! - Steampunk vs Predator illlustration
Collection - T-Shirt design for Glas, a small surf company in Southern California
Vampires - Experimental illustration with photo
Frontier - T-Shirt design for COPY © 2010
South Africa - Handmade masks inspired by our trip to South Africa
South Africa - Handmade masks inspired by our trip to South Africa
Hunters - Comedic illustration of hunters in the deep ocean for Shirt Woot
CMYKill - T-Shirt illustration of one of the final scenes in Taxi Driver
VENI VIDI VICI - T-Shirt illustration based on a famous quote from Julius Caesar
Ninja on a Bicycle - Another T-Shirt design for Shirt Woot
Malkovich Malkovich - Based off of the phenomenal movie Being John Malkovich and the ever brilliant Beatles for Oddica T-Shirts
MJ LIVES! - T-Shirt design for Deep Fried, a merger of MJs Thriller and the classic Powell-Peralta "Ripper" graphic
Devolution - Design for a Devo t-shirt in conjuction with their latest album
Fun illustration for Santa Cruz Skateboards "Screaming Hand" Contest Inked and colored in with Prisma color pencils on the entry form and mailed in
Here is the infamous Screaming Alien, Chest Burster, a fun illustration for Santa Cruz Skateboards "Screaming Hand" Contest Inked and colored in with Prisma color pencils on the entry form and mailed in
A custom illustration I did for one of C1RCA's outside distributors, Tutto Imports, a "thank you" gift for 10 years of work
Midnight Visitor - Mr Owl creeps in late at night and steals your left sock T-Shirt design for Teefury
Cool Out summertime illustration
Elvis - Fun illustration I did as part of a pop art series for melting famous icons
Et tu, Brute? - Illustration inspired by Julius Caesar, a tragedy by William Shakespeare
Acrylic/mixed media paintings. All large format on masonite or canvas.
I Love Lasagna - Inspired by an amazing scene with Anna Faris in the movie Smiley Face, I love lasagna = Garfield the cat = President Garfield 28.5cm x 28.5cm Gouche, graphite and ink on wood and paper
Old illustration that was recently updated and given to a friend Part of a series I did about birds and their relationships to people
Summer Pop - Fun illustration I did for a tee concept
B + W Zine Cover - Cover art for the Black Rock Collective's first zine
Threadless / DBH / Woot / Misc
Freelance, Full-time
Robert Gould
A versatile illustrator and graphic designer Oceanside, CA