BP Hydrogen Fuel - Senior Capstone - Director's Choice Award. An alternative fueling concept that utilizes hydrides to store hydrogen at normal pressure and temperature. The concept revives the full-service station, where attendants can educate users of the proper safety precautions one should take when using hydrogen.
BP Hydrogen Fuel - Senior Capstone - Director's Choice Award. An alternative fueling concept that utilizes hydrides to store hydrogen at normal pressure and temperature. The use of propane sets a friendly precedent for users, where 'empty' hydrogen units are returned and replaced with 'full' ones.
Saab Luxury - A luxury vehicle defined by the Saab brand, for a General Motors-sponsored studio. The car fills an opening in the GM portfolio competing with European models like the Audi A8 and Mercedes S-Class.
AIDS Memorial submission - Located within San Francisco's Golden Gate Park, the memorial creates new experiences, both intimidating and hopeful, that represent AIDS’ capacity to abrupty change lives. Visitors discover beautiful new views of the Grove that instill a sense of hope inherent in the lives of those affected by the disease.
Tek Tag - Tek Tag uses technology to reengage today's youth in active physical play. The units simply count the number of times they are tagged, affording children many ways to play with them - one-on-one tag, flag football, hide and seek, and more.
Michael Roller
Designer Cincinnati, OH