Personal Comb Design with portable mirror attached to it. - Design project and Workshop
Comb - with flexible teeths. - Design project and Workshop
1st and 2nd semester - Design project and Workshop
Showing the weaving done with Jute. - Design project and Workshop
A3 size folder design using jute sack.
internal view
Eco-friendly Key chain holder made with Coconut shell & Jute rope (weaving) - Design project and Workshop
Details - Design project and Workshop
using different materials. Clay, Tin, Wood
Ashtray made of Tin
Coconut Grater: Inspiration from KarimRashid
Transparent disk to show the grated coconut while the grating is done.
Human Powered Vehicle : Designed for Common Wealth Games 2010 (Visitors)
Eco-friendly fruit basket - Design project and Workshop
Mechanism for Candy Floss Machine
Copper Heating coil: inspired by GYROSCOPE.
Overall description for Candy Floss Machine
Weaving done by Grass.
Fruit Basket
Newspaper Furniture
Magazine Holder : made from cardboard.
New Drinkware.
Water Dispenser : Giving flavor of earthen pot water in NORMAL, HOT & COLD condition.
Working with Acrylic Sheet for Thermoforming.
Design Work