20th Anniv Disney On Ice Japan Tour - This project came to me as a layout previously approved. The client needed me to make it work from a character integrity point of view to the classic graphics. Everything was created new by hand, even the type and all done digitally. Multiple layers supplied to client where they could use any and all elements separately if desired. They were very happy and the job was done on time and on cost. This job lead to doing the Disney On Ice logo in gold, the Russ Farrell gold.
Big Bad Wolf NASCAR - One of the six cars designed and produced for Disney.
Black Momba Knife by Russ Farrell - This is my Black Momba tactical folding knife that I designed for Frost Cutlery. This piece is my presentation and working drawing file for the manufacturer. They can build the knife from this piece that also posed as the promo that sold the concept to Frost. This product should be available mid to latter part of 2005.
My Cigar Promo card - I have my own line of cigars and this is the promotional piece I designed and painted for the trades. The cigar band is also my design as well as the layout.
Laughing Tinkerbell - This is a piece that I designed and layed out as well as painted. Done for Collector's Editions to be sold to selected retailers of limited edition gallery prints. I am very proud to be selected by Collector's Editions as one of their featured artist.