Facebook TV Widget
Facebook TV Widget
Facebook TV Widget
Amazon TV Widget - I did the interaction and visual design of all the Yahoo! ConnectedTV Widgets seen here.
Amazon TV Widget - I did the interaction and visual design of all the Yahoo! ConnectedTV Widgets seen here.
Amazon TV Widget - I did the interaction and visual design of all the Yahoo! ConnectedTV Widgets seen here.
Blockbuster TV Widget
Blockbuster TV Widget
Blockbuster TV Widget
Blockbuster TV Widget
CBS TV Widget
CBS TV Widget
Showtime TV Widget
ebay TV Widget
BBC Weather Widget - I did the interaction and visual design of all the Yahoo! ConnectedTV Widgets seen here.
BILD News TV Widget - I did the interaction and visual design of all the Yahoo! ConnectedTV Widgets seen here.
Mein Klub Soccer TV Widget - I did the interaction and visual design of all the Yahoo! ConnectedTV Widgets seen here.
Mein Klub Soccer TV Widget - I did the interaction and visual design of all the Yahoo! ConnectedTV Widgets seen here.
FedEx Package Tracker Widget
FedEx Package Tracker Widget
UPS Package Track Widget
Yahoo! TV Widgets
Fantasy Pro Widget
Fantasy Pro Widget
Yahoo! TV Widgets
Yahoo! TV Widgets
Yahoo! TV Widgets
Yahoo! TV Widgets
Yahoo! TV Widgets
Yahoo TV Widgets and Facebook Widget
Ryan Pressler
Sr. Visual UI Designer Pleasanton, CA