Safety Brassiere - The dual quality of safety pins has been used as a symbol for women. While the sharp spikes stand for safety, in contrast, the inside is soft and gentle giving tangibility to a woman's complex feelings.
Patchwork Illustration - A poem written for the age group of five and above that is illustrated and stitched by hand to make a patchwork quilt.
Patchwork Illustration - An illustration of one of the paragraphs, using waste cloth. It is stitched by hand to form a patchwork quilt.
Patchwork Illustration - An illustration of one of the paragraphs, using waste cloth. It is stitched by hand to form a patchwork quilt.
Patchwork Illustration - An illustration of one of the paragraphs, using waste cloth. It is stitched by hand to form a patchwork quilt.
Different Mediums - The still life on the left uses pencil colours. The zoomed in view of a leaf on the right is done with water colours.
Different Mediums - Pencils, magazine paper waste and water colours are used to create these art works respectively.
Art and Material Exploration
Sargam Gupta
Student New Delhi, India