Coffee Maker with a twist - Changed a classical coffee maker to semiotically make it more visually easy to understand and use. Accentuated parts by contrasting colors, icons showing where to place ingredients.
Coffee Maker with a twist - Changed a classical coffee maker to semiotically make it more visually easy to understand and use. Accentuated parts by contrasting colors, icons showing where to place ingredients.
Coffee Maker with a twist - Changed a classical coffee maker to semiotically make it more visually easy to understand and use. Accentuated parts by contrasting colors, icons showing where to place ingredients.
Coffee Maker with a twist - Changed a classical coffee maker to semiotically make it more visually easy to understand and use. Accentuated parts by contrasting colors, icons showing where to place ingredients.
Coffee Maker with a twist - Changed a classical coffee maker to semiotically make it more visually easy to understand and use. Accentuated parts by contrasting colors, icons showing where to place ingredients.
Coffee Maker
Gustav Segerstéen
Industrial designer, product designer, product developer Stockholm, Sweden