Team Whirlwind
Laine - Proto - So this is my InFiNiTy fanart! :D The posessed-looking dude is Proto and the tied up girl is Laine. YES I KNOW THEY'RE ALL HUMANS AND I STUCK THEM IN THE STICKS FILE!! They're really sticks, i just redrew them as humans. =D -:S:
Laine - Proto - So this is my InFiNiTy fanart! :D The posessed-looking dude is Proto and the tied up girl is Laine. YES I KNOW THEY'RE ALL HUMANS AND I STUCK THEM IN THE STICKS FILE!! They're really sticks, i just redrew them as humans. =D -:S:
Mark - This is my friend Mark as a stick figure. Hatenian obsessions FTW!
Monster (Meg & Dia [Cascade Mix]) - I LOVE THIS SONG even though it's flippin creepy .3.
Porter - This is Porter from Darkness. This guy is FLIPPIN BEAST. *is on a sugar rush*

Teh epical file of stick figures!! =D