organixx - the design is the make over from somethings that have already been common... presenting the "In My Sight" apartment and "HUG CHAIR"
organixx - the design is the make over from somethings that have already been common... presenting the "In My Sight" apartment and "HUG CHAIR"
In My Sight, studio type apartment room - the design is the make over from somethings that have already been common... presenting the "In My Sight" apartment and "HUG CHAIR"
organixx - the design is the make over from somethings that have already been common... presenting the "In My Sight" apartment and "HUG CHAIR"
organixx - the design is the make over from somethings that have already been common... presenting the "In My Sight" apartment and "HUG CHAIR"
poster - this is the poster made for exhibition which was showing my design
my 5th term design..
Stephanie Indrawila
undergraduate student Malang; Surabaya, Indonesia