Exercises on Surface: Surface for a Shophouse Unit
Exercises on Surface: Surface for a Shophouse Unit
Exercises on Surface: Surface for a Shophouse Unit- Municipal Library as Case Study & Inspiration
Exercises on Surface: Surface for a Shophouse Unit
Exercises on Surface: Surface for a Shophouse Unit- Ricola Storage Building as Case Study & Inspiration
Exercises on Surface: Surface for a Shophouse Unit
Exercises on Surface: Surface for a Shophouse Unit
Exercises on Surface: Surface for a Shophouse Unit
Silk Pavilion
Silk Pavilion
Silk Pavilion
Silk Pavilion
Single Family House: Deflecting the Attention
Single Family House: Deflecting the Attention
Single Family House: Deflecting the Attention
Single Family House: Deflecting the Attention
Single Family House: Deflecting the Attention
Single Family House: Deflecting the Attention
Creative Studio
Creative Studio
Creative Studio
Creative Studio
Creative Studio
Creative Studio
Klong Pak Num Market: Stealth Threshold
Klong Pak Num Market: Stealth Threshold
Klong Pak Num Market: Stealth Threshold
Klong Pak Num Market: Stealth Threshold
Parkplex: Movable Puzzles
Parkplex: Movable Puzzles
Parkplex: Movable Puzzles
Parkplex: Movable Puzzles
Parkplex: Movable Puzzles
Parkplex: Movable Puzzles
Parkplex: Movable Puzzles
Parkplex: Movable Puzzles
Parkplex: Movable Puzzles
Parkplex: Movable Puzzles
Parkplex: Movable Puzzles
Parkplex: Movable Puzzles
Illugrid: The Illusional Grid Hidden in the Jim Thompson's House
Illugrid: The Illusional Grid Hidden in the Jim Thompson's House
Illugrid: The Illusional Grid Hidden in the Jim Thompson's House
Illugrid: The Illusional Grid Hidden in the Jim Thompson's House
Illugrid: The Illusional Grid Hidden in the Jim Thompson's House
Illugrid: The Illusional Grid Hidden in the Jim Thompson's House
Illugrid: The Illusional Grid Hidden in the Jim Thompson's House
Illugrid: The Illusional Grid Hidden in the Jim Thompson's House
Portfolio 2012