Holiday plush for puppies 2018-Designed the plush characters, print and pattern, graphic embroideries.
Plush gift set for puppies Holiday 2018
Petco Vinyl Unicorn Toy
Cat Toys for Holiday 15 Enchanted Forest Collection-Designed Plaid, original plush characters, embroidery graphics.
Mouse Holiday Toy-designed toy from rough sketch with additional plaid pattern
Plush bah-hum-bug holiday toy for puppies-Designed original character and came up with cheeky sayings
"Ruff" Sketch for holiday owl puppy toy
More seasonal work for Petco Owned brands. I did the print and pattern, flask with label, plush characters above.
Puppy plush original characters I worked on for Petco Owned Brands. I did the original characters, prints, some graphics above.
Flask Plush toy graphic and concept I came up with under Petco Private brand! So funny they keep bringing this one back.
Petco Holiday Toys
Freelance, Moonlighting
Stephanie Mason
Textile Artist and Product Designer San Diego, CA