Dryad (plant spirit - ivy) - The dryad stands among her vines of ivy thick and green tendrils writhing bedecked with leaves by eyes of man unseen she casually leans beneath an arch a portal of ancient stone it's architects long dead and gone naught but forgotten bones With the aid of wind and rain the dryad performs her art healing the face of Mother Earth of human-induced scars
Oread (Stone Spirit) - Oread with blood of stone borne deep among the mountains' bones delicate but hard and cold Hammerfists she deftly lands erasing signatures of man satisfied in the rubble stands One column she leaves erect a monument to the arrogance of its own creator's hands A warning to those who will follow those who would build here tomorrow your works, too, will become your barrow Creatures made of skin and bone are finite, unlike those of stone who always reclaim their own
Nereid (water spirit) - Waters falling creeping patterns deep in murky pools drips hidden in blackest shadows Roaring waters fall Indifferent to works of men crumbling beside them Against water and time nothing stands forever All crumbles in the end.
Dryad II
Mermaid - Siren sweetly singing Neptune's daughter calls lonely sailors, long at sea to be held within her coils to her scaly limbs, cold and slick they go and do not care if for but a moment into her eyes they'll stare then all goes dark as, their last breath forms globes of shimm'ring air slowly rising from submerged mouth of the siren's lair
Atlantic Wind - A bite out of the beach was taken by the last high tide and on the ledge of sand I stand leaning toward the surf into the brisk east wind thick with salt a briny mist whipped from tops of whitecapped swells that roll in to their secret cadence from far out in the night-enshrouded sea My shirt against my chest my pants tight to my thighs Fabric billows out behind me like sails of ships unsheeted The Atlantic wind, not cold but cleansing blows through me unhindered
Elemental spirits
Brian Collis
project architect Brick, NJ