"The End of the World" Gloomy sky, dying plants, abandoned houses...Inspired by the popular theme of the 2012 Apocalypse, this End-of-the-World scene was created in Photoshop. The background was composited by several landscape photos. The character was also painted in Photoshop based on a robot photo of the super model Naomi Campbell.
"Ecstasy" This piece is created mainly in Photoshop. The profile of the female head is borrowed from one of my drawings. The word Ecstasy is originally from the Greek word "ekstasis" which means to stand outside ones self and is a spiritual or out of body experience. In philosophy it’s usually used to mean “outside-of-itself.” This piece describes the consciousness of someone that falls outside of herself, almost similar to an out of body experience, while she focus her attention on a particular object or activity.
"Lost in memories" Photoshop montage using one of my pencil drawings with several photos taken by iPhone. This dreamlike image depicts a person who is immersed in a disorienting chaos of memories, thoughts, and experience.
Heart drawing done in Photoshop
Digital art
Haisi XU
Graphic Designer Los Angeles, CA