'Continuous Frame' (Concept)
Installation 'Continuous Frame'

The sphere project is based on the explorative spatial journey to private and public places of the New York subway system. A group of four arti sts has been able to distill phenomenologically a fragmented experience of traveling as it relates to spatial compression, framing and distorti ons of the space. The sense of ti me and space is altered in the subway system and is a? ected in secti on by the positi on and the quality of the spaces in the car and passages though subterranean constructs. Using video as a medium I have constructed a liner sequence of the major spaces along the path between the studio and the home. This became an armature that condenses the space-ti me framework through total perceptual experience. The result is an abstract sphere that contained four narrati ves, 10’x10’ in size

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Nenad Stjepanovic
Architect, Designer New York, NY