s o u n d s , c o l o u r s , p i c t u r e s , t h o u g h t s
Cultural Landscapes

U n i v e r s i t y P r o j e c t

We collect pictures, sounds, information, photos. Our life is so intense that sometimes we do not to feel what we see, hear, touch. Sometimes we do not really see the colours, smell the air, nor feel the touch of the rain drops, the warm sun rays.

Tired from the speed of the contemporary life, the overwhelming information and the burden of the society, we search for brake and even want to escape to a different place.

A provocative change in the landscape with variety of pictures, sounds and smells, showing a place in different seasons, or mixing sounds, colours, pictures, thoughts and feelings form different places can provoke new emotions, fuse different times in one particular moment, overlap different spaces in one particular place.

An immaterial, ephemeral change, more spiritual than natural provokes pure feelings, emotions, and different thoughts changes the landscape in our mind and feelings without changing the landscape itself.

Svilen Nenchev
Master of Architecture София, Bulgaria