F o r m | F a ç a d e C o n c e p t s
P e r s p e c t i v e V i e w | F a ç a d e C o n c e p t s
L o c a t i o n | L a y o u t s
The Lizard Building

C o n c e p t D e s i g n

The curved glassed shape of the office part is bend as by the forces of the urban traffic, whereas the residential tail follows the lounge and sun gathering body position of a lizard, creating a feeling of relax and harmony.

The 46 meters high mixed-use complex is located in Sofia. The spacious lobby and the retail areas are integrated into a covered, walk-through passage. A panoramic café-restaurant offers incredible views to the city centre and Vitosha Mountain, whereas the residential part, separated from the noise and the dust of the main road, offers a quiet living environment.

Similar to a natural skin, the cover of the office part responds to the different environment conditions. A double-skin façade facing the main road protects from the noise and the dust. Various types of glass panels with incorporated photovoltaic cells and shading devises control the natural light penetration. A central atrium ensures an effective natural air circulation.

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Svilen Nenchev
Master of Architecture София, Bulgaria