Surat Al taqweer, Ayat (1-14) - Kufi Square Font in free composition
Wa man yattaqi Illaha yajaal laho makhraja.. - Experimenting with Arabic calligraphy in Mondrian Style.
Bism Illahi Alrahmanirrahim - Experimenting with Arabic calligraphy in Mondrian Style.
Bism Illahi Alrahman Alrahim - Kufi Square script with skewed grid
La Ilaha Illa Allah - "La Ilaha Illa Allah" read through a 'script-like' composition of intersecting lines.
Meseerha Te7la, Kufi Square Font in free composition.
Experiments with calligraphy
Tewfik Tewfik, PMP,...
B. Arch., Pre-Master (Planning), PMP, CSI, Architectural Engineer at Saudi... Cairo, Egypt