The first set of menu dropdowns in the project. You can start a new game, save a game as a text file, load a game from a text file, or move between any of the 3 areas. You can only move to different areas once you beat those area bosses.
These menu options give the player a pop-up that gives them game information.
This is the how to play information
This is the item information
When you start a new game, it asks the player for their name.
After giving a valid name, the game asks the player if they want to use a default set-up, incase they don't feel like picking classes out.
If the player doesn't use the default option, the game first asks the player what class they want to be.
Afterwards the player must pick out their two allies one at a time from the ally class options. After picking a class a prompt appears asking the player for a name of the ally. However, a default option appears if the player doesn't want to chose a name.
Once you start the game, your party each gets a weapon and armor with stats based on the class they are.
A game cutscene before the player can start exploring the dungeon.
This is the battle display. This shows all the stats of the party, the current health of all characters in battle, the text, and you can bring up inventory or perform attacks during your turn. The ai acts during a set interval of time that you can adjust at the bottom. If you want battles to go faster or slower.
This is example of battle text.
When you level up all your stats increase.
This is the inventory screen and shows what is currently equipped and the number of consumables you have.
When you select a potion to use, you then select the character you want to use it on. Characters with full health cannot be selected with a potion and characters who are dead cannot be selected with a revive.
Sometimes after battles enemies drop items. You can either equipped to a character or trash it.
The dungeon map is randomly generated and the directions are color-coded based on enemy difficulties. Green - Easy Yellow - Medium Orange - Hard Red - Boss
Sometimes not all directions are available.
When you reach the end of a dungeon you can battle the boss. You are always free to travel back and grind more if you feel like it. Losing a boss battle will send you to do the beginning of a new random dungeon. The three bosses are: Shadow (Area 1): A high damage, low health/defense enemy that can attack twice, use an AoE attack to everything but himself and creating/reviving enemies on his field. Sniper(Area 2): The sniper will hide behind enemies on his field. He has a chance to fire a shot that peirces the entire party team. His normal attacks have a chance to crit. He rarely will rebuild a fallen ally so he can hide behind it. Crowman(Area 3): He will occassionally hide taking less damage and making his next attack do more damage. He has two AoE attacks, his standard attack and an AoE ability that can't be blocked. He can also heal himself for a quarter of his health if he falls below 100 health.
This simple thing allows you to move between the areas. 0 - 1st 1 - 2nd 2 - 3rd

The first project made at RIT in my first semester. It's a C# game made over the course of GSD2 class. This project has a mix of pictures I took from google searches or quickly drew up in ms paint.

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