St. Colman Church, W. 65th St, Cleveland. A tough shot with all the wires in the way.
This image was part of the Walgreens challenge to test their photo restoration services - image stitched together by hand, tone-mapped and high-pass sharpened.
New York Post photo manipulation detailing Paula Jones' plastic surgery and theoretical outcome. She did have more shaved off the nose plane than what I depicted.
Quite literally a photo found in my grandmothers closet. Image was tone mapped, high pass sharpened, removed tears, wrinkles and water damage.
A sample of a PR Newswire press release head shot beauty pass. Reduced (but not eliminated) wrinkles, tone mapped and reduced 'hot spots'.
Photo Retouching

Various Retouching pieces I've worked on, both professional and personal

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Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Thomas Kildren
Artist, Game Dev, Photo Retouching and Stay at Home Dadding Cleveland, OH