The goal of Petlr is to raise a kitten until it feels at home in your space.
A shop is available to purchase items that supplement your kitten's health.
You'll soon discover your pets can do more than you expect.
It's possible to even teach them tricks.
Occasional contests provide the outlet to show off taught skills.
Once a cat has settled in to its home, it may take up residence in the background of your rooms. This allows for a new pet and a more lively household.
Pets develop different personalities depending on how they are cared for.
The File Select menu will even show a glimpse of these personalities.
Game - Petlr

A reinvention of digital pet simulators of the 90s, for contemporary mobile devices. Animating the pixel cats was a lot of fun.

Freelance, Full-time
Tim Oshida
Illustrator + Visual Designer Vista, CA