Interaction map (Tom) - Interaction map for the DTE Energy customer backend. Created as part of a usability review of the site. Read more:
Dialog design process (Tom) - The process of designing a sharing dialog. Read more:
Wireframing process (Tom) - This shows the sketching and wireframing process for a scheduling screen. Learn more at
User flow diagram (Jane) - Produced as part of user experience design of match question-answering interaction for OkCupid mobile app.
Personas and scenarios (Jane) - Created as a resource for OkCupid programmers during development of a location-based mobile app feature. Based on data from user interviews and contextual inquiry. The whimsical writing style was appropriate for the casual atmosphere at OkCupid and helped keep programmers engaged in user experience.
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Affinity wall-building process (Tom and Jane) - Built with our class project team to synthesize findings from user interviews. Used to generate goals for the multimedia language-exchange website we later prototyped and are now conducting user tests with. See the prototype: