wake out - 2007 software:Colel Painter IX
The Girls - 2003 size : 297 ,420 mm material: Acrylic gouache, Paper
The family - 2007 Alias Sketch book pro 1.0
in my head - 2007 Alias Sketch book pro 1.0
Relax - 2007 Alias Sketch book pro 1.0
faces - 2003 size:A3 material: pen, paper
Get changed - 2003 size : 197mm, 320 mm material: edging on paper, ink
make him happy with my smile - 2003 size:B3 material:paint,paper
smorking - size : A3 material: acrylic gouache,paper
Good morning - 2003 size:A4 material:pencil, paper
sketch - 2004 size:A4 material: pencil, paper
fruits - 2006 size :8.5inch,11.5inch material: pen, pastel, acrylic gouache, paper
fruits - 2006 software: Illustrator CS
turning around - size : A4 material: charcoal, acrylic gouache
turning around - size : A4 material: charcoal, acrylic gouache
Charactor Design_ Girl No.1 - 2007 software: Autodesk sketch book pro 1.0
Charactor Design_ Girl No.2 - 2007 software: Autodesk sketch book pro 1.0
illustration works