type 75
type 75
type 75
type 75
type 37
type 37 and 75
the situation
Block Plan type 37
Block plan type 75
Plan type 37
front view type 37
Front view type 75
Plan ground floor type 75
Plan two floor type 75
Continue House

Continue Husen Residence is located in the Residential Natural Modern style with shades of Nature, because the location of this residential site located on the site's natural and modern style is the design of residential type 2 is a modern building concept designed by nature modest because the type of residential use from natural materials, like wood and stone. There are two types of housing that is type 37 and type 75. Type 75 is the occupancy of the type 37 continue building, continue the building is a building that was developed from type 37 to type 75. Without damaging or changing the facade of the building. Only different from this type of floor and roof coverings.

Ushen Brown
arsitek Jakarta, Indonesia