Tough Luxury Travel Mug - Travel Mug designed for the Range Rover. Project objectives was to elevate visual language discourse through form and brand research and analysis, to decode, deconstruct and reconstruct visual language into a workable and adaptable systems and also develop design solutions for identified goals that reflect the style and philosophy of a particular company or brand.
Goudy Roman Stool - Aim is to create a furniture piece that takes inspiration from a typeface and assimilate it's design principals and nuances to create a comfortable and visually appealing furniture piece.
Tea Containers - The tea containers are a home for 3 specific loose leaf teas. The containers were each specifically designed according to the taste and feel of the tea. The basic form for the 3 containers were inspired by river stones, therefore the containers do not have one specific orientation. They can be placed on it's head, on it's side or however they happen to fall.
The Reflection Chair - The Reflection chair is a furniture piece that creates a personal hideaway for an individual. While sitting in the chair, a sense of quiet seclusion will consume you. This makes it possible for one to relax, reflect, and concentrate. The chair is a fully upholstered piece and sitting in it is like experiencing a warm hug.