La Citta Parlante -Strategic Planning for urban furniture and communication - A design strategy for urban planning. Cities are not design for children, furniture and spaces are thought for adults and just small areas reserved for them. They have the right to enjoy their cities and learn from them. The whole project includes marketing research, scenario building, urban products and communication strategies to generate a system able to make cities friendly for kids.
La Citta Parlante - A design strategy for urban planning. La Citta Parlante is a system of urban furniture and communication strategies based in the actual situation children live inside the cities. A new way to develop cities, thought specially for children's interaction and wellness.
La Citta Parlante - A design strategy for urban planning. La Citta Parlante is a system of urban furniture and communication strategies based in the actual situation children live inside the cities. A new way to develop cities, thought specially for children's interaction and wellness.
La Citta parlante- Urban Strategy
Camila Garcia Volkl
Design thinking + design strategist, business innovation Clifton, VA