online portfolio ( under constructed) 2002 - above : self portfolio online ...still under constructions but soon will be release .... but has uploaded temporary in : Below : self promo in the internet , and still under constructed to complete the web . and - doing my work , slemvisuals website (2001) and website-portal of Indonesia Tourism (2001-2002)and , still on progress , also web mail of Informatics Dept. in ITB and some experimental work .
sport campaign and video art project posters - I took the sport posters contest in Jakarta Art Institutes , won ..???? no , only 2nd ..... and in the middle, " Busted " Video Art project (2002) . at the right side , "ASTAKONA" , exhibition Art Posters , the artist is my friend hehehehe
self project (2001) - the basic idea behind these images is derived from the magnetic influence of a music culture that became an icon of rebellion, and later on turned into a sectoral commodity. the basic concept of this artwork is the underground culture in its musical context. music, as one of the idioms of rebellion, and (coincidentally) one of the collective force in the analysis of the human body as a trend of contemporary art. media : acrylic paint, digital imaging , collage , drawing , painting , instalation art , music.
2000 - 2003