lost in the desert, he came to a sign: traffic roundabout.

The guy dressed as a dog, the dog and cat dressed as guys. "Ready to go?"

at the doctor's office:
We have a tattoo that wants its owner removed.

Lady wearing a bustle: Does this make my butt look big enough?

At the dentist, a view into the torture dungeon. the Doctor says "I find it helps people take their minds off what i'm doing."

at the 3-D printshop. What happens when the jobs get messed up?
We sell them next door at the modern art gallery.

Well-Dressed Teen

The Matriot Act

Work-Life Balance

Cuzco Certified Public Accountant, Quipu knot accountancy, Andes, Peru

The Catalonian Poop Log - it's true!!

Same-sex couples, gay rights, homophobia, embassy life

Why we take our pets with us - cats and dogs are always a perfect compliment to that international move

Why you weren't paying attention during the board meeting.

the Assumption

Packing, moving, Rex the Dragon

Mom's Pretzel Stand. Eat your food.
