"Georges Nonhamiltonian Graphs"(c) - Fifty nodes, smallest example of 3-connected bicubic, including snarks. In three interpretations.
For sale as art to 45" at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2011 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"Nephroid Evoluted"(c) - FAVORITED at 15M member DeviantArt.com e-commerce site.
Nephroid = Kidney-shaped plane curve applied by Proctor in 1878, the evolute is another one half as large and rotated 90 degrees with the original one visible as an envelope of oscillating circles as involute of the smaller red.
For sale as art to 36" at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2011 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"Primitive and Non-Primitive X-Ray Diffractions"(c) - Primitive (unlabeled) and non-primitive cells x-ray diffractions, stylized, layered and on a grid, showing "a-c" outside corners centered, face and body centered.
Created for The Thinker Collection.
For sale as art and on products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2011 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"Quark on Ice"(c) - Quark-gluon plasma from gold, on a ground of ice.
For sale as art to 45" and printed on products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2011 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"Poinsot's Spiral Whiskers"(c) - Plane curve geometry, polar curves with equation: r = a * csch (n * theta), where a = constant, csch = hyberbolic cosecant and n = integer.
Per Louis Poinsot (1777–1859), French mathematician/physicist, who invented geometrical mechanics (how a system of forces acting on a rigid body could be resolved into a single force and a couple).
For sale as art in sizes to 36" and on printed products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2011 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"Neutrino Rising Over Alphas"(c) - Neutrino "moon" rising over "grassy field" of alpha particle tracks colliding with a nucleus. Particle physics ....
For sale as art to 45" and on printed products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2011 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"Pion Muon Decay"(c) - FAVORITED REPEATEDLY at DeviantART.com.
Subatomic particle.
For sale as art to 36" and on printed products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2011 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"Thinking ... 24/7/365"(c) - Mental process involving objectives, plans, ends, desires. Also cognition, sentience (awareness of being), consciousness, idea, imagination. Humans match patterns by judging new circumstances against those remembered, reasoning and separating present and past. Uses models, symbols, diagrams, pictures, abstract, iteration, attention/concentration, communication.
For sale as art and on products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2010 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"Kidigi 3"(c) - Kid + digital.
Early personalized wallpaper for a Webapp cloud computing environment, expanded upon and as a trio.
For sale as art to 60" and printed on products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2011 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"De Longchamps Point Bricks"(c) - FAVORITED at DeviantART.com.
Geometry. Top dot is the reflection of a triangle's orthocenter (bottom dot) about its circumcenter (center dot). Trilinear coordinates:
cos A - cos B cos C : cos B - cos C cos A : cos C - cos A cos B
The point is collinear with the orthocenter and circumcenter.
On a ground of diagonal metal bricks.
For sale as art to 36" and on printed products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2011 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"Klein Bottles"(c) - FAVORITED at DeviantART.com just after it was uploaded.
A splash of 3D geometry Klein bottles.
For sale as art to 36" and printed on products at http://LisaCClark.deviantART.com.
(c) 2011 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"Clebsch Nonconcentric Grid"(c) - Clebsch figure conceptualized, within nonconcentric circles, on a multi-tile texture grid map.
For sale as art to 36" and on printed products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2011 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"2D Tiling"(c) - 2D algorithmic function for the creation of crystals.
For sale as art in sizes to 36" and on printed products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2011 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"Heisenberg Fele Quantums Looping"(c) - Heisenberg Fele quantum particles.
For sale as art to 45" and on printed products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2011 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"K 3,3 Utility One Crossing"(c) - FAVORITED at DeviantART.com.
"Three cottages" or utilities math problem/puzzle (in each image): How to send water/gas/electric lines into all cottages without any connection through another cottage or company.
K3,3 diagram makes this impossible linear problem spherical, allowing connections through the 3D plane with one set of lines crossing.
For sale as art to 36" and on printed products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2011 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"Metal Packs and Grids"(c) - FAVORITED on DeviantART.com within minutes of upload.
Sample packs of metal surfaces, warped, as headpieces atop vaults of diamond pattern, directionally-lit metal grids, all on a metal texture plate.
Created for The Thinker Collection.
For sale now as art to 45" and on printed products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2011 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"Oil Water Bubble"(c) - Oil space bubble suspended in flowing water, on perforated metal.
Created for Thinker Collection Art.
For sale as art to 45" and on printed products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2011 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"Sier pin ski Curves"(c) - Space-filling curve of orders 1-3, defined sequence of continuous closed plane fractals with limit n -> infinity.
Used to construct a solution to the Traveling Salesman Problem (shortest sequence for given set of points).
For sale as art to 45" and on printed products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
See version in Thinker Clothing STEM emblematic designs file.
(c) 2011 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"Cycloid"(c) - The curve traced by a point on the rim of a wheel as it rolls in a straight line.
Named by Galileo in 1599 & caused a 17th C. ruckus. Christiaan Huygens applied it to navigational pendulum clocks.
Strauss created the Cycloids Waltz in 1858 for tech students.
Think spirograph ....
For sale as art to 45" and on printed products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2011 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"Vertex Degrees on Turan"(c) - Random graph with its degree sequence: Each vertex showing the number of touching edges. "Vertex degree" is called "local degree" or "valency". On a Turan graph.
For sale as art to 36" at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2011 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"AlgoSort"(c) - Computing sorting algorithms.
For sale as art in sizes to 45" and on printed products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2011 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"Poinsot's Spirals Trio"(c) - Addressed in Newton's Theorem of Revolving Orbits regarding the radius and angle of a particle relative to the center of force, here are three upright views of hyperbolic secant plane curves with polar coordinate equation r=sech(n x theta).
For sale as art in sizes to 45" and on printed products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2011 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"Permutations Graph"(c) - Mathematical permutations, graphically rendered.
For sale as art in sizes to 36" and on printed products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2011 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"VisualizeThis"(c) - FAVORITED at DeviantART.com.
Visualize these rotating cubicuboctahedrons with a character, surface texture and wireframe, on a ground of visualization waves.
For sale as art to 45" and on printed products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2011 Lisa C. Clark
All Rights Reserved.

"Tera-Electronvolts"(c) - FAVORITED at DeviantART.com.
1.18 TeV accelerated proton, a one trillion electron volt unit of measurement of particle energy achieved with the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Geneva.
For sale as art to 45" and on printed products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2011 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"Animatronic Anthropomorphic"(c) - Humanoid, mimicking, compact, lightweight hand from Gifu prefecture and University. 5-fingered, 6-axes force nano sensors for compliant pinching, built-in servomotors using high stiffness gears, magnetic encoders w/16 pulses/rev. 20 joints w/16 degrees-of-freedom, and the thumbs move independently. Mountable, distributed tactile sensor w/624 detection points.
For sale as art to 60" at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2009 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"Hypocycloid Swirl"(c) - Hypocycloids in increasing point cusps swirling toward center "K = 2.1" star.
Geometric plane curves: Trace a fixed small circle point that rolls within a larger circle. (E.g. Spirograph(R) hypotrochoids and epitrochoids.) Comparable to a straight-line cycloid.
First described by Girolamo Cardano as applied to high-speed printing presses.
For sale as art to 36" and on printed products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2011 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"Wireframe Lissajous"(c) - FAVORITED at DeviantArt.com.
Lissajous curves generated to demonstrate waveform images, using an oscilloscope; the curves represent the relationship between two phase-shifted XY signal inputs. All on a canvas 3D wireframe graph in the colors of spring 2011.
For sale as art to 45" and printed on products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2011 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"Network"(c) - FAVORITED on DeviantART.com the minute it was uploaded.
Network on an involuted nephroid background.
For sale as art to 45" and on printed products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2011 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"Cerebral Chip"(c) - TOP FAVORITE at DeviantART.com.
The brain and its left and right lobe, analytical and creative, processing methods -- as the chip that brings it all together.
For sale as art to 45" and on printed products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2010 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"Accelerate Linearly"(c) - FAVORITED repeatedly at DeviantART.com.
Representation of Stanford Linear Accelerator (SLAC) particle beams.
Live an accelerated life?
For sale as art to 36" at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2011 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"Roboticus Carpalium"(c) - Humaniform robot hand, like humans in dexterity, 24 joints/20 degrees of freedom, 40 forearm muscles. High-speed hands. See Shadow Robot Co, London, University of Tokyo (JPN) and University of Laval (CDN).
Worn as a T by star "Sheldon" (Jim Parsons) on "The Big Bang Theory", "The Work Song Nanocluster", Season 2 Episode 18, 16 March 2009.
For sale as art to 45" and as printed products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2008 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"I am Disruptively Synapsing"(c) - FAVORITED REPEATEDLY at DeviantArt.com.
Brain synapses: Neurons (~10B in humans) signaling to other neurons & muscle/gland cells. Action potential wave –- spike discharged by neuron - moving along its axon -- reaches the synapse or junction point and releases neurotransmitters that bind to chemical receptors on the other neuron.
For sale as art to 45" and on printed products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2009 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC

"Let's Play Tag"(c) - Radio Frequency ID (RFID) tags and cards used in GPS tracking of objects/animals.
Created for onesies in The Thinker Collection. Also great on Ts or for any surface design.
For sale as art to 36" and printed on products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2010 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"Quarkish Star"(c) - Quarkish star, digitally rendered.
For sale as art to 36" and printed on products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2011 Lisa C. Clark
All Rights Reserved.

"Quarkish Gluon Matter"(c) - The actual reaction, glowing, digitally rendered.
For sale as art to 36" and on printed products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2011 Lisa C. Clark
All Rights Reserved.

"Quarkish Gluon Plasma Research"(c) - Quarkish gluon plasma, digitally rendered.
For sale as art to 36" and on printed products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2011 Lisa C. Clark
All Rights Reserved.

"Alchemy"(c) - Chemistry precursor. Arabian al-kimia, Egyptian elixir. Kimia/Coptic khem Nile soil. Earth, fire, water, air.
Zinc (Zn): "Philosopher's oxide".
Potassium (K): As potash.
Tin (Sn): Jupiter symbol.
Gold (Au): Sun. Perfection.
Silver (Ag): Moon.
Phosphorus (P): Glowed as compound. Spirit.
Lead (Pb): Saturn symbol.
Bismuth (Bi): "White mass".
For sale as art to 45" and printed on products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2010 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"Quantum Dots"(c) - Photoluminescence of colloidally-prepared cadmium selenide (CdSe) quantum dots of different sizes representing the fluorescence spectrum.
CdSe, a semiconducting material, is transparent to infrared light and is being developed as synthesized nanoparticles with possible uses as laser diode optical devices and biomedical imaging of injured tissue.
For sale as art to 36" and printed on products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2010 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"K-partite Coexeter Conchoid"(c) - FAVORITED at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
Eyebrows: K-partite graph. Vertices have k disjoint sets, no two graph vertices in same set are adjacent, every vertices pair in k sets are adjacent.
Eyes: Math group with finite Euclidean polyhedral symmetries.
Mouth: Shell-shaped curve from a fixed point O, another curve, and length d. For every line through O that intersects given curve at A two points on line which are d from A are on conchoid.
(c) 2011 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC

"Nothing is sexier than creativity."(c) - Nothing is sexier than creativity.
"Wow, I LOVE that. Where did you get it?" -- Starbucks cashier.
"THAT's the one I want." -- US Navy Enlisted Training Command.
3D wireframe head + progression of the light bulb from Einstein to Halogen and LED.
Male wireframe on a women's T, and female wireframe on a men's T expressing ... admiration.
For sale as art to 45" and on printed products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2010 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"Show Me Your Circuitry"(c) - FAVORITED at DeviantART.com.
Electronic network. Computer motherboard.
For sale as art to 45" and on printed products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2007 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"Hopfield Neural Net"(c) - "Neural Net"
The process diagram for Hopfield's artificial neural network (Data's, humans', computing brains) design showing input, output and decision flows.
For sale as art to 60" and on printed products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2011 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"Odd and Proud of It'(c) - How many names does being "different" have, that span the gamut of human assessment?
How many innovators, true leaders and people of great fortune can, and should, wear this as accurate descriptors? Some large percentage of the world's population ... and likely folks right on your street. If yes, the upside may be: Aren't you lucky.
For sale as art to 45" and printed on products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2009 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"3-Clique Monotone"(c) - Clique social network pattern algorithm.
For sale as art to 36" and printed on products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2010 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"Polygon Man"(c) - Plasticized wireframe man's head of polygons on a metal chrome background.
The number of polygons per inch used in a 3D/CAD software design package determines the level of smoothness of final surface "skin".
For sale as art to 36" and printed on products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2011 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"Female Adolescent Mind"(c) - FAVORITED at DeviantART.com.
The brain activity of typical adolescent females.
Nothing typical about it ....
For sale as art to 45" and on printed products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2011 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"Noetically Stimulated"(c) - FAVORITED at DeviantART.com.
A nod to Dan Brown's latest "The Lost Symbols", noetic science has been described as the link between modern science and ancient mysticism: Quantum consciousness meets New Physics and hermetic philosophy.
What's more mysterious than the attraction to intellect -- creating massive entanglement?
For sale as art to 45" and on printed products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2010 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"Quetzal Headpiece"(c) - "Awesome" member quote at DeviantArt.com.
Mathematical details create this woman:
Headpiece: Quetzal pedal
Eyes: Vertex degrees
Nose: Roman tetrahedron
Mouth: Soifer graph
Collar: Wallpaper group diagram - hexagonal lattice
Jacket: Primitive and non-primitive cells x-ray diffraction
Placket: Vertebraic pattern
Buttons: P_1_1_2_01
For sale as art to 40" at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2011 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.

"Are your neurons synapsing?"(c) - FAVORITED at DeviantART.com.
Neurons and brain synapse.
Are yours busy?
For sale as art to 45" and on printed products at http://LisaCClark.DeviantART.com.
(c) 2010 Textiles for Thinkers, LLC
All Rights Reserved.