"Backwards Circus" ©2013 (Photoshop) I created these three vintage circus folk for one of Ignite Studio's client's-- Backwards Distillery -- for a new up and coming product line. I achieved the desired Victorian Etching look with a Wacom tablet in Photoshop.

"Fairy Hot" ©2014 (Photoshop) This logo, for another of Ignite Advertising's clients, is a work in progress.

"Invader-geddon" ©2013 (Adobe Illustrator) This was a really fun illustration I did for Game Gurus in Seattle, Washington. I created this image for their used game-disc covers. This is one of my favorite kinds of project -- There are some parameters and a few guidelines, but otherwise total freedom of content creation. I created the line work from a pencil scan in Photoshop. I then converted, refined and added color in Adobe Illustrator.

"Car Hop" ©2012 (Adobe Illustrator) This piece was designed and formatted to sell as clip art on the iStock stock photography site.

"Vixen" ©2010 (Adobe Illustrator) This piece was designed and formatted to sell as clip art on the iStock stock photography site.

"ROCKiT SPACE" ©2010 (Adobe Illustrator) I based this logo for ROCKiT SPACE on the original mural I painted for ROCKiT SPACE, a community art center on Beacon Hill. (They have since moved and the original art is but a memory.) The dot pattern is baked into the vector art, so it's scale-able to billboard size.

"Venus meditating" ©2009 (Adobe Flash) This is a character test for a proposed online children's book for Scorpius Digital Press.

"Baby Wookie" ©2009 (Adobe Flash) This was a character for a smartphone app proposal by Monkey Brains in which you raise and interact with a baby Wookie avatar.

"Fish Tank Overview" 2003 (Photoshop) I did about a dozen backgrounds for "Pajama Sam: Life's Rough When You Lose Your Stuff" by Humongous Entertainment. I successfully designed all my backgrounds to meet the style and specs required of the game design.

"Underwear Junction" 2003 (Photoshop) Another Pajama Sam background I designed in pencil and colored and rendered in Photoshop.

"Creon Technology" 1999 (Photoshop) This is a cut scene illustration I created for "Total Annihilation Kingdoms: The Iron Plague". The art direction called for an illuminated manuscript style. I designed the piece in pencil and used the sketch to create the ink and parchment style in Photoshop. The piece was designed to scroll by as music and narration played over it.

This slide is animated to show how the art might be presented in the game. In the game itself there is a voice over, music, effects, and smoother motion.

"Neo-Dragon" 1999 (Pen & Ink and Photoshop) I created an ink drawing of the Da Vinci style bio-mechanical dragon, and added texture and alien lettering in Photoshop. This illustration was used on the game's box art along with several others.

"Barn Stormer" 1999 (Pen & Ink and Photoshop) I created an ink drawing of the Da Vinci style flying machine, and added texture and alien lettering in Photoshop. This illustration was also used for box art.

"Uprising" 1999 (Photoshop) This is another cut scene illustration I created for "Total Annihilation Kingdoms: The Iron Plague". The art direction called for a pastoral Medieval style. Starting with my pencil sketch I achieved this Breugel-esque style in Photoshop. The piece was designed to scroll to show the invasion of Creon's tudor-punk submarines.

This slide is animated to show how the art might be presented in the game. In the game itself there is a voice over, music, effects, and smoother motion.