Adobe Illustrator

These three are original logos designed and created in Illustrator for Grand Cru Wine Bar tasting groups.

Art proved by client, Mayla Muth, Singing Coach. Design and drawing are by Bob Singer of Hanna Barbara productions fame.

Adobe Illustrator art created from client art.

This and the following four designs are Adobe Illustrator art created from client art.

This project was a wonderful opportunity for me to work on some of my Dad's art. For this I needed get my Dad's poster art on the left ready to be used on a one color silkscreen shirt. There are a lot of subtleties in the original poster that get lost with contrast and color manipulation. Since a lot of hand touch up would be required, I chose to use Photoshop and Wacom tablet to "re-ink" a scan of the original poster. I took the re-inked image into Illustrator and converted it to vector and touched up any artifacts from the process. I then just dropped in the vector type supplied by my Dad. Re-inking provided a superior image, and the vector format is scalable and perfect for screen printing. A very satisfying collaboration.
