"Journey through the Upsidaisium Ore Mountains" ©2014 Acrylic on canvas board 14"x18". One of my art pieces intended for display and purchase at art shows, and for print sales online. This steam punk work is done in a magical realism style.

"Grim Selfie" ©2014 Acrylic on canvas board 11"x14". Another of my art pieces intended for display and purchase at art shows, and for print sales online. This one is also in a magical realism style.

"We Come In Peace" ©2014 Acrylic on canvas board. 11"x14". Yet another of my art pieces intended for display and purchase at art shows, and for print sales online. This time I employed a science fiction pulp style.

"Fire Fairy Spell" ©2014 Acrylic on illustration board 8"x11". ...and yet another of my art pieces intended for display and purchase at art shows, and for print sales online. This one demanded a magical realism style.

"Sheriff R. Bot" ©2014 Acrylic on illustration board 5.25"x7.5". One final art piece created this year for display and purchase at art shows, and for print sales online. For this one, from a series of space cowboy art, I've gone with a style reminiscent of one of my favorite illustrators from the pulp era, Hannes Bach.

"Rosie the Riveter after Norman Rockwell" ©2013 Alkyd Oils on VW Minivan 22"x48" . This a pretty faithful reproduction of the classic Life Magazine cover with some tweaks, like the modern feminist buttons on Rosie's overalls.

Here is Rosie next to the name of the owner's website -- I did the lettering,as well as sanding and painting the blue "canvas". Rosie took about 40 hours over two weeks.

"ROCKiT SPACE" Acrylic on brick wall. 4'x12' ©2009 My influence for this piece was Rick Griffin, underground cartoonist. This mural required drawing and painting from a 16 foot extension ladder. I worked from my original 8 1/2"x11" drawing, and used a grid to enlarge the art. I completed the work in one long weekend.

"Cloud Harvest" ©2001 Acrylic on illustration board 10"x16". This piece was originally a concept illustration for a steam punk style game proposal. The original piece also has a horizontal composition. When I resold it to Talebones, I cropped the sides and extended the top and bottom in Photoshop seamlessly.

"Secret Lair" 2001 Gouache on illustration board. 6"x8". This is a background for "Freddi Fish" by Humongous Entertainment. All the backgrounds for these engaging adventure games about a detective fish were done in Gouache then digitized. I learned to paint with Gouache on the job with this project and match Freddi's distinctive Brother's Hildebrandt-esque style.

"Jaw Fish" 2001 Gouache on illustration board 6"x8". Humongous Entertainment was run like an animation studio -- and sometimes it got really granular. For this project I took black and white rough drawings, designed my own color in Photoshop, and did final paintings in Gouache. All the subtle gradients are airbrushed Gouache! (not Photoshop)

"Coral Cove Entrance" 2001 Gouache on illustration board. 6"x8". I contributed a dozen or so backgrounds to "Freddi Fish: The Case of Coral Cove".

"Round Head" ©2001 Acrylic on illustration board 6.5"x10". This is an illustration for an anthology of short stories by Bedlam Press. I based my illustration on my reading of the short story, "Round Head". Each story had it's own illustration and I created five for this anthology.

"Fire Breath" ©2000 Acrylic on illustration board 6.5"x10". This is based on story about the son of a circus freak confronting a metamorphosis that's taking him over now that he's hit puberty. The technique I used on this was to tint the background a medium sepia tone first and then push and pull the values with lights and shadows.

"Pavlov" ©2000 Acrylic on illustration board 6.5"x10". In this story the main character is haunted by their imaginings of the crocodile from Peter Pan. I used a similar technique to the one I used on "Fire Breath", but this time tinting the background more of a blue-gray.

"Chrysalis" ©2000 Acrylic on illustration board 6.5"x10". This illustration was less a scene from the story, than a visualization of what the main character was experiencing. This piece relied on a bit of random textures created with crumpled fabric and a mailing tube rolled through paint.

"Succubus" ©2000 Acrylic on illustration board 11"x17". The original client for this piece needed a poster for an concert. The concert came and went, and I starting showing the piece at conventions. I subsequently sold it to two different publishers for book covers.

"Annie Port: In a Storm" ©2000 Acrylic on canvas paper 5"x7". "Jolly Codger" ©1999 Acrylic on canvas paper 5"x7" These two are part of a big series of portraits I developed and sold at conventions for several years. The idea came to me when I found hundreds of these frames for cheap at Artist and Craftsman supply. I ended up making about a hundred portraits -- Victorians, mummies, aliens, nuns, historical pirates etc. Each portrait was original, quick to make and they often went to voice auction when they sold at conventions. This slide is a composite of scans of the original paintings, scans of the frames, and an original Cthulhu Wallpaper I created.

"Scorpius" ©1999 Acrylic on illustration board 5"x5.5". This illustration was made for Scorpius Digital Publishing for a promotional temporary tattoo they gave out at publisher parties at conventions.

"All For the Price of One Thin Dime" ©1998 Black gesso and Alkyd Oils on illustration board 14.5"x23.75". This piece illustrates the story "Bleeding Stone" by Harlin Ellison. The style is heavily influence by Leo and Diane Dillon -- Harlin Ellison's favorite book illustrating team.

"Fetish Machine" ©1997 Alkyd oils on illustration board 19.5"x29.5". This is the first in series of sensual mechanical fine art prints, that got a little stalled. This one has been printed and signed. The next four are in the works and one of them is featured in four more slides.

"Photon Fury" ©1997 Acrylic on illustration board 18"x24". This was created for an anthology of "Nose Art" done by alien cultures. (after the practice in WWII of painting pin up girls on the sides of bombers.) The book never came to fruition, but I've sold many prints of this piece and received quite a few awards for it.

WORK IN PROGRESS: This is the underpainting of some organic structures/organisms in the ocean of an alien world. Acrylic on gessoed masonite. 16"x20"

WORK IN PROGRESS: ....seems there's a wicked faery living at the bottom of this well...Acrylic and Alkyd Oils on gessoed canvas. 18"x36"

WORK IN PROGRESS: "Wasp Waist" This is a continuation of the series that started with "Fetish Machine" Acrylic and Alkyd Oils on gessoed masonite. 18"x24"