When Time Ends - photomanip Beautiful stock borrowed with permission from: http://wyldraven.deviantart.com/art/Rainy-Landscape-STOCK-122403552
Spacewheat - Digital painting Tools of the trade: photoshop CS3 An experiment with the creation of some new brushes. With a little bit of blend, they made beautiful nebula's.
Planet X.1 - Digital painting making use of some new techniques and brushes.
Planet X.2 - Digital painting Made an awesome brush for rings. Some awesome blend techniques really pulled it off. This is so far my favorite from my planet series.
Digital painting. Testing some new brushes and techniques.
Hush, Hush - Illustration based from the teen novel Hush, hush.
The Lovers ( line art ) - Illustration of a dream I had.
The Lovers - Illustration of a dream I had.
tablet practice - Just for fun. I love this dragon. He is the pixar reincarnation of my cat. just using him for tablet painting practice.
Fetuses and Lollipops - I like to pride myself in having something kooky in everything that I work on. This one, being more obvious. All of the mini patterns in this colossal image was made out of, you guessed it, babies.
Paint Job Wallpaper
Digital Painting & Photomanipulation
Amy Hayden
Graphic Designer :: Illustrator Charlottetown, PE