We've been talking with employers about ways to make it easier to find the best talent on Coroflot. Now we're excited to share them with you. All of these new profile features will make your more visible to potential employers and people looking for the top creative talent.
Casting about for good creative talent can be daunting. Here's how to ensure that the employees you hire will be stable, talented, long-term catches for your company.
Each week the world's top companies choose Coroflot as the place to post jobs in hopes of finding a member of our talented community to join their team. These 5 awesome companies are looking for new talent!
The 2017 Wanted Career Day, taking place at WantedDesign Brooklyn from 9AM to 1PM on May 17, offers designers in-person interviewing opportunities with manufacturers and design firms seeking to recruit promising talent in the field of Design.
In the latest edition of That's Flawesome, Carl Acampado breaks down the function and value of the notorious Juicero.
Toren Orzeck is the Principal of Portland, Oregon design studio FUSE, which he co-founded with Mark Schoening in 1996. As an industry veteran and a highly creative mind, we decided to ask Toren what he looks for in a designer.