2012 | Searching a job (or education) by Area, Map, Close to position, Profession, Text etc. Initial sketches of presentation for search and search results, shorter information and additional nice to know information, contact information and a read more option etc
2012 | Searching a job (or education) by Area, Map, Close to position, Profession, Text etc. Initial sketches of presentation for search and search results, shorter information and additional nice to know information, contact information and a read more option etc
2012 | Searching a job (or education) by Area, Map, Close to position, Profession, Text etc. Initial sketches of presentation for search and search results, shorter information and additional nice to know information, contact information and a read more option etc
Arbetsförmedlingen new external web project

Concept for a possible new external search and result web page for Arbetsförmedlingen.
Concept focus on presentation for search and search results, shorter information and additional nice to know information, contact information, more information options with an intuitive user friendly less-is-more focus

Christian Djurberg, Interaction...
A creative and innovative mind with entrepreneur skills Stockholm, Sweden