An alarming statistic that helped drive the design direction.
Observing multiple users wearing bad fitting helmets and listening to the feedback from surveys and personal interviews, I was able to identify adjustability and custom fit as the demands on this new helmet concept.
Persona Development
Snowboarding is filled with products that offer nearly infinite adjustability. The modern helmet offers four sizes and one strap adjustment. That's not enough.
Development Phase - How can I get the foam to conform while still be protective? Identifying specific zones allowed me to sculpt away unneeded mass.
Development Phase - Plates needed to be used to attach and secure the modular EPS.
Development Phase - Adaptive/customized fit snowboard helmet
Senior Thesis Presentation - A truly personalized fit. Soft shell impact foam combined with a flexible outer shell.
Adjustable Snowboard Helmet

Designing an adjustable helmet from the inside out.

Chris Rickmon-Swan
Footwear Designer Portland, OR