Photography by Matspann
Photography by Matspann - Lighting design based on the historic architecture found in Greece, Egypt, and Turkey. The light is approximately w:240x240mm x H:190mm in size and has a ceramic base with an acrylic base on top. The columns are also made from acrylic which are highly polished, also with cuts in the acrylic to create a blind from the light.
Photography by Matspann - Lighting design based on the historic architecture found in Greece, Egypt, and Turkey. The light is approximately w:240x240mm x H:190mm in size and has a ceramic base with an acrylic base on top. The columns are also made from acrylic which are highly polished, also with cuts in the acrylic to create a blind from the light.
Photography by Matspann
Photography by Matspann
Parthenon Light Presentation
ParthenON Table Lamp - A Level - 2008 Project
Daniel Mitchell
Architectural Designer at Network Rail, York, UK Hull, United Kingdom