Agave based hand cleaner bottle ideas
Agave based hand cleaner bottle ideas
Agave based hand cleaner bottle ideas
RV drain bucket - Product touch & feel
RV drain bucket - Basic components
RV drain bucket - Display stack
RV drain bucket - Reusable bucket packaging / storage
RV drain system clam shell & carrying case
RV drain system clam shell & carrying case
RV drain system cardboard display box
RV drain system cardboard display box - System components 1
RV drain system cardboard display box - System components 2
RV drain system cardboard box
RV drain system caddy
RV drain system caddy
RV drain system caddy
Snap base pump bottle
Snap base pump bottle
We didn't invent the dosage bottle, but did design, test and optimize a version for our specific needs.
We didn't invent the dosage bottle, but did design, test and optimize a version for our specific needs. This is one of the production products with the advertising and marketing group's branding.
We didn't invent the dosage bottle, but did design, test and optimize a version for our specific needs. This is one of the production products with the advertising and marketing group's branding.
Bottles shipping and box packaging planning. Multiple dosage methods were considered with shipping and packaging as selection criteria.
real life smells bottled - yes, your car, garage, or you can smell like gas, tires and oil. mix and match for a layered effect.
real life smells bottled - yes, your car, garage, or you can smell like gas, tires and oil. mix and match for a layered effect.
Filter and screen for foot tub
Design, CAD, and prototype of very specific geometry for, oh I can't tell you. But it's one part used 10 times to form final shape.
Design, CAD, and prototype of very specific geometry for, oh I can't tell you. But it's one part used 10 times to form final shape.
Dan Delaney
Designer Pinckney, MI