Green Living Room - Deaf boy sitting in the living room watching the television while a blind stranger's standing still with a trained dog
Red Kitchen - Deaf boy cooking while a blind stranger's standing and smell the taste outside the window
White Hall - Knocking the door, what else can you expect when a deaf boy cannot hear at all
Blue Bedroom - Sleeping in bed while a blind stranger standing all night with his trained dog howling
Green Living Room 2 - Green - Breezey Garden, Summer, Grass Smell
Red Kitchen 2 - Red - Blood, Hot, Meat, Burning, Heating Oven and Cooker
Blue Bedroom 2 - Blue - Dark, Moon, Goodnight, Refreshing Dreams or ... Nightmares?
White Hall 2 - White - Welcome, Plain, Clean, Start, 1st Room to enter indoors
Deaf Ears, Digital Aids, Hands & Eyes - 3D Paper Making sticking upon the ceiling
Deaf Ears, Digital Aids, Hands & Eyes 2 - 3D Paper Making upon the ceiling with shadows behind
Horror Without Words
David Page
Personal Graphic / Advertising Designer Newcastle, United Kingdom