Heroscape - Logo developed with Bill Concannon and Margo Chase Design

Magnami - For a magnetic coin collecting game.
That's why the 'm' looks like an old school magnet... huh huh. :B

POX - For the electronic hand-held game.
Symbol was created to feel like an alien contamination symbol as well as house the letterforms to all three letters, 'p', 'o', and 'x'.
learn more about POX:

Band of Clones - Icon and label created for a special concept presentation.

POX class icons - Icons created to differentiate between the different species of POX.
learn more about POX:

Islands of Adventure - Developed by Jim Bockstall, George Adams, and myself for Universal Studios.

Junior Adventurer - Created for the Junior Adventurer guide book. A companion guide for kids on an Adventure by Disney.

The Link Game - Game logo for Yahoo! games.
Custom rims and typography... Blam!

Worship Skateboards - The 'WORSHIP' part is all custom typography.
It'll cut you man!

Sunday for Yahoo! - Custom typography and designs were created for an ongoing online piece called "hype of the day". One for each day of the week... this was my favorite.

Time Flies - Hasbro marketing wanted a "burst" that would communicate that the game of Risk is now faster to play.

Project Lore - Five dudes, four cameras, one World of Warcraft