Scene processed in ai-powered renderer Rendair. Raw image. Based on offices of Booking .com, Mumbai. Nice representation of wall graphic.
Graphic processed separately with creativity nearly at zero.
Earlier Enscape image, in which the graphic has been inserted as a texture image, for processing along with the rest of scene.
SketchUp image with original graphic.
Ai-powered renderers and graphics - update

I discovered that the error with one ai-powered renderer, Rendair, where the results of scene with a subtle wall graphic I referred to in earlier post as "overdone," was remedied by switching from the "3D base to render" tab to the "Image to Render" tab. The "Image to Render" tab is apparently the only one that sees color, and somehow that remedied most of the problems.

The result is a much better, and encouraging result for the graphic, even when processed with the furniture and equipment. The graphic is even more correct when processed separately. Although I believe as I lower the creativity (to get closer to accuracy), I will lose some of the shadows and reflections on the graphic. But there is room for adjustment.

Renderings based on offices of Booking .com, Mumbai, designed by M Moser Associates.

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
fmh design
Commercial Interior Designer & Renderer San Diego, CA