A slogan for Leica
The very point of view - 1. p©ard
Observation is the cross-check to Imagination. - 2. p©ard Personal speech: A successful week.
The mass product counters the diversity - 3. p©ard Personal speech: A successful week.
It would be Babylonian, if in a meritocracy performance is marginal to the banal. - 4. p©ard Personal speech: Success requires motives.
Memory is only as big as the details of their pictures. - 5. p©ard Personal speech: Success is as authentic as his protagonists!
Pictures are shared memory. - 6. p©ard Personal speech: "The belief in the counting and measuring tempted in all the arts to the grossest errors."- Paul Renner, The art of typography, Berlin 1939
Norma Jean Baker - 7. p©ard Copy and paste ! http://youtu.be/w-M8Hi3vNKM “I once saw a photograph of the seventeen year old Norma Jean Baker, on which it acts very differently than the Marilyn Monroe, which became an icon. I saw in her one of the girls in my Neighborhood, and I felt that they had no idea which should provide the life for her. " Joyce Carol Oates Personal speech: Ikûna, image, likeness; in contrast to Idolo, Mirage, and oneiric image, Idos, archetype.
"Nowhere else are there so many important people as in our immediate vicinity. "Ernst Ferstl - 8. p©ard Personal speech: Nice weekend!
Everyone should be an artist. All can become a fine art. Novalis - 9. p©ard Personal speech: The beauty of success is his art.
Life is the way to themselves, beautiful pictures are its memories. - 10. p©ard Personal speech: Success is such an image.
Photography will be no other world but ONE world for others. - 11. p©ard Personal speech: ./.
No culture without philosophy. No photography without fine mechanical philosophy. - 12. p©ard Personal speech: ./.
Creativity is the Fascination of your own thoughts - the inner universe. - 13. p©ard Personal speech: Metakommunicative you can say: Things to do for its own sake; raises the question of their quality - and sets the bar very high!
Take it to the point. - 14. p©ard Personal speech: ./.
The very point of view - 15. p©ard Personal speech: ./.
24x36mm - 16. p©ard Copy: about the development of the 24x36mm format Personal speech: ./.
Reportage Photography received by the small picture format decisive impulses. - 17. p©ard Destroyed conference hut, 20 July 1944. Sending corresponded with the repetition of the date Copy: about the development of the 24x36mm format Personal speech: ./.
The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. - 18. p©ard Personal speech: ./.
The very point of view - 19. p©ard Personal speech: ./.
Punctuation of visibility - 20. p©ard Personal speech: Wish you success with Leica, I like to have done ... Contributing to the success, I'm much more willingly!
Iron Pluma
COA | Creator of Arts Germany