Post-it Museum 15' x 15' Space

Create a 15' x 15' museum space with an everyday object of my choosing. Have multiple levels of engagement for all ages.

I chose to create an active environment using Post-its as my motivation. There is two levels of interactivity, one for adults, and one for children. The space is customized so that people of all ages can be actively engaged in the space. iPads mounted in the structure for the children to watch informative presentations rather than having to read off the wall.

There is an area where attendees create a note of their own to leave behind in the space as well as the area where they would post the note on the wall. The notes left behind would help leave an impression on the attendee so they can feel like they helped create part of the space rather than just an attended it.

The mobiles on the ceiling are there to create movement in the space as well as to display famous quotes from various artists, philosophers, and other famous people.