Firestarter EZ flyer Kite - Fun dragon kite designed after a request for more "edgy" kites. This item is currently available from a number of retailers. This design evolved from initial sketch, to digital illustration, to simplified kite pattern.
Floating Farley - 3D character windsock designed as an addition to "Nutty Buddies" product line. This item is currently for sale from a number of retailers.
Tree Frog Windsock - Concept artwork for a tree frog windsock. This product was designed as an addition to the "Nutty Buddies" product line. This item is currently for sale through a number of retailers.
"Tween" Kites - Concept artwork for several kites designed in response to lower sales in the "Tweens" demographic, with particular focus on males. Several of these designs are currently available through a number of retailers.
Leaping T-Rex Diamond Kite - Concept art work and product image for Dinosaur-themed kite. This product can be purchased through a number of retailers.
Kites and Windsocks
Joshua West
Industrial Designer Crofton, MD