A set of Posters, Ad campaigns, and Digital Illustrations created while enrolled at The Art Institute of Colorado.
Converse Typographic Piece - This is an advertising campaign for Converse shoes. The target audience for this piece would be high schoolers and twenty somethings. Those who are already familiar with the brand and also those who are curious about it. The image is meant to be the most prominent part of the advertisement. Bright colors, like those used in the typography of this piece, are fashionable with Converse target market and were added to visually engage the audience.
GE Advertising Campaign - This is an advertising campaign promoting General Electric energy efficient light bulbs. It is a playful series that uses original illustrations to create a cohesive ad campaign. The type within the three pieces is simple and subtle so as not to distract from the illustrations. All are similarly illuminated against a black background to emphasize their design and allow certain elements within the piece to stand out.
GE Advertising Campaign - This is an advertising campaign promoting General Electric energy efficient light bulbs. It is a playful series that uses original illustrations to create a cohesive ad campaign. The type within the three pieces is simple and subtle so as not to distract from the illustrations. All are similarly illuminated against a black background to emphasize their design and allow certain elements within the piece to stand out.
GE Advertising Campaign - This is an advertising campaign promoting General Electric energy efficient light bulbs. It is a playful series that uses original illustrations to create a cohesive ad campaign. The type within the three pieces is simple and subtle so as not to distract from the illustrations. All are similarly illuminated against a black background to emphasize their design and allow certain elements within the piece to stand out.
Barenaked Ladies Gig Poster - This poster was done for a typography assignment. The type within this piece was hand lettered. The title portion was inspired by the typeface of a concert venue located in Denver, Colorado.
Tenacious D Gig Poster - The main goal of this piece was to meld typography and images into an engaging design while being sure to pay close attention to the type hierarchy.
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This poster series uses original illustrations to demonstrate coptic and stap book binding methods.
Escher Inspired Self Portrait - Created in Photoshop CS5
Complex Digital Illustration - This illustration showcases the use of layer masks and blending modes in Photoshop. By understanding how these functions work throughout the program, one can create an image comprised of many separate photographs that are manipulated to look like like one cohesive picture. As you wind your way around the piece from foreground to background the visual hierarchy of the elements within the scene help to move your eye throughout the composition.
Graphic Design
A set of Posters, Ad campaigns, and Digital Illustrations created while enrolled at The Art Institute of Colorado.