Snow Footprint - Exlores the marks we leave behind.
Callas Face - This combines a clay bas relief with photos of a Callas Lilly and digital paint and glass.
August Pastoral - When I saw an apricot tree for the first time, I responded to its color, fullness, and weight. I also enjoyed creating puzzles over what is in front and behind. I auctioned a photo of this piece at the Boise Urban Garden School, a local non-profit.
Woman's Face - Combines a clay bas relief with digital glass, paint, and photo
Apricots -- Deep Night - When I saw an apricot tree for the first time, I responded to its color, fullness, and weight. This is one of several looks at that tree.
Apricots -- Asian - When I saw an apricot tree for the first time, I responded to its color, fullness, and weight. This is one of several looks at that tree.
Imagine Her Surprise - This whimsical piece combines a clay bas relief, colored pencil and glass with digital elements.
Our Waterfall - Here I explore the complex interaction with a place you've visited multiple times. You recall much more than a single viewpoint. I also enjoyed creating puzzles over what is in front and behind.
Natural and Luminous
Karen Marker
Illustrator with KLFM Design Boise, ID